Sagrada Familia

Barcelona Dreaming

Barcelona is amazing – it’s one of my favourite places ever, even though I have barely had a chance to explore any of it yet! They keep us so busy at Ironhack that my spare time is mostly spent reading about the topic we just learnt or practicing the techniques I didn’t master in class.

Still, the first weekend that I was here two friends from home were also in Barcelona and Tom came down from Montpellier (there was a French public holiday on the Monday, so he took a long weekend). Tom and I had brunch (Rasoterra was amazing) on the Saturday morning and walked around a bit looking for coffee bars (Satan’s Coffee Corner was pretty great!) and vegetarian restaurants.

Later in the afternoon we met up with our friends for a few drinks in the sunshine, then headed out for a very late, but delicious dinner. We caught up again for a breakfast bocadillo then put them in a taxi to the airport from where they flew home to Melbourne.

Tom and I found another vegetarian restaurant for lunch (Teresa Carles – it reminded me a lot of The Veggie Bar in Melbourne) and more coffee (this time at Cøffee Lab & Shop which was awesome) and a late dinner of Japanese food at Carlota Akaneya. I had to get up early on Monday for class, but I met Tom at Buenas Migas for lunch and sent him off for his train which was a pretty nice end to the weekend. I hope he will be able to visit again as it was really fun to have him around.

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