Our next stopover after Crete was the Greek capital, Athens. This sprawling city is a mess of traffic and pedestrians crowding the footpaths and streets. Walking was difficult, so we took taxis most places.
After our plane touched down, I organised a ride into the city using the Welcome Pickups service as I thought it would be a good way to get an introduction to the city from a local. Our driver-guide was Angie, a lovely young woman who talked a bit about the local scenes and gave some good tips on places to see while we were in Athens.
We visited the Acropolis (of course) and the Acropolis Museum which was absolutely fascinating. In the shade of the Parthenon, we drank coffee at Underdog café and planned a walk up and down Lofos Likavitou (Lycabettus Hill) with it’s amazing views of the city and hills.

More coffee, this time more in the centre of things, at Café Taf and on our last night we had the best Greek meal ever at a tiny bar near our apartment, To Trikyklo. If we had known about it when we arrived, we probably never would have eaten anywhere else!